Saturday, 23 June 2012


A mega in Cheshire! well its about bloody time. Unfortunately though its one of those already on the list jobs, still its a Cheshire tick (for almost every Cheshire birder I'd say).
I pulled up on the New Brighton prom leapt out the car and ducked as the Little Swift flew right over head down the road across to the beach and back again along the side of the residential flats no doubt keeping out of the wind and driving rain. Whipping out my meagre camera I stood in line with the North West's finest image gatherers attempting to capture this mega swift for posterity.

bugger! missed...nice flats though

oh nearly got ya...checkout the white dot top right

one for the Boss...


my 4th in the UK.
New Forest 2000
Nottingham 2001
Cromer 2005
I'd swap all previous for a 5second view of a Pacific Swift

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