Wednesday 17 September 2008


Tuesday morning and I've just been chucked out the house by Wifey whos working at home today.What to do? I know lets go to Norfolk and see the SEMI COLLARED FLY sp. cos you never know it just might creep on the list (well it is in Norfolk for starters).

Four hours later I'm stood with a collection of Norfolks finest watching the SCF perform brilliantly 20yards away.Cameras are clicking, videos are videoing, and the talk is of median coverts with extensive white edges, pale white scapular bar, grey tones etc etc...

A nearby 1st winter male Pied Fly aids the comparisons, plus 20+ Redstarts and 30+ Wheatears knocking about show theres been quite a fall of migrants here.Further down the coast in Suffolk and Essex the Ehrenberg's race of Redstart is on show (comes from the same place as SCF).

From the above image you can clearly see the features needed to identify this bird.

Enroute home I called in at Ticwell and gripped the PEC SAND and RED NECKED PHAL just missing yet another Honey Buzz by minutes.The wader count was an incredible 21 species oh for a patch like that.

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