Sunday 14 June 2009


No coughing fits for me as I stood transfixed once again watching one of the adult Badgers rummage through the undergrowth at the top secret location not even Spring Watch know about. Strolling back down one of the Patch's many motorway like footpaths a crunching sound coming from the nearby long grass alerted me to yet another possible mammal encounter. I took a few steps nearer to the 'cruncher' , the grass rustled but nothing showed. A couple more steps still the chewing cruncher continued. I took one final step and at my feet literally within sniffing distance one two foot long young Badger chomped away on its evening dinner. I drew back to the footpath and the youngster did one into the undergrowth its presence indicated by the swaying tall grass as it scarpered back to base. A pleasure to see such persecuted creatures doing so well so close to home. The challenge now is to see the E'Rat'icator's Polecats nearly as good as Kate's beaver(s) bring it on....

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