Saturday, 31 December 2011


2011 the facts and figures because we all know in the end its a numbers game...

MARBURY LIFE LIST - 193 one new bird added the last gasp BLACK-THROATED DIVER

CHESHIRE LIFE (not the magazine) - 262 with only the Leasowe RED-RUMPED SWALLOW being new

ENGLAND LIFE - 475 getting really hard without deliberate twitching intervention. I added four, two of which are still slightly pending ish - ORIENTAL TURTLE DOVE, SLATY BACKED GULL, WHITE-THROATED ROBIN and WESTERN SANDPIPER

UK+IRE LIFE - 517 again we're all waiting as per for the BOU to rubber stamp these lifers - SB GULL, WT ROBIN, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER both the Irish Stejneger's and Jock Deglandi (could well be split) and bird of the year  SIBERIAN RUBYTHROAT awesome!

WESTERNPAL LIFE -  689 the trip to Madeira added 8 with YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT HERON being the icing on the cake of a great trip. Spain added CITRIL FINCH at bloody long last. The UK as it does with SB GULL, WW SCOTER and RUBY.

WORLD LIFE - 2835 only 10 cos I didn't have any serious foreign sojourns. 7 Madeira, 1 Spain and 2 UK

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