Sunday, 1 January 2012


All is quiet at Bittern Hide as the winter resident botaurus decides not to show for the gathered evening throng of Patch year listers.
There is stuff around though as I add a squealing Water Rail, two Spuggyhawks, fem Goldeneye, and a wee flock of Starlings to the Patch Yearlist that's already on 53 from an earlier Patch raid. Bird of the day though was the three Woodcocks, flushed from the shrubbery on Scarey Park. No need to venture in there again this year job done.
Looking from an optimistic point of view I've got another 96 species to find, see, twitch, grip back etc... during what's left of 2012 oh yeah! only 365 days to go (its a leap year, nice one extra day). With the new world record set by Mr Baker of 152 its going to take one almighty effort, some luck and some damn good birds to overhaul...bring it on I say.

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