Saturday, 9 June 2012


If you're ever driving North on the A565 between Parton and Distington near Workington checkout the roadside telegraph poles. I was casually wandering my way along when...bloody hell!!! Black Woodpecker on a post by the road, never?. Thinking luck could never strike twice in the same place (just down the road from my Bee-eater find of last week) and the most unlikely bird to turn up in Cumbria in June I raced up the dual carriageway did a u turn and headed south. Its still there, same post same position...mmm? me smells a rat. Going North again I was laughing my head off as I realised I'd fallen for a cracking hoax...

whoever nailed this cut-out to the post I tip my hat. I'll be checking this Autumn for the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
As I was in the vicinity I just had to go and pay homage to the tree...

no chance of deja vous...nice tree though.


Phil Woollen. said...

Wasn't this reported on RBA a couple of years ago?

Gordon said...

Yes you are right Phil, there was one near Bass Lake, apparently they are put up as a deterant to stop our peckers from attacking T-posts.
All the best Gordon.

Podster said...

There's a joke there Bob but I won't go there honest!

Craig Digiscoper Shaw said...

hahaha another sucker lol... dont worry pod, your not the first and certainly not the last. The women who reported it a couple of years ago was adiment it moved lol...