Thursday, 14 June 2012


For once I managed to time it just right...June-Cumbria-Irton Fell-Sunshine-Mid day. An inbetweeny survey hour gave me the chance to leg it up Irton Fell unfortunately not a Wainwright and secure the prize on offer.
At least 8 of the little brown jobs going about their business in the sunny but rather windy conditions.
Tough buggers to photo as the slightest shadow sent them scurrying for cover but worth the hike.

The tantalizing first glimpse, typically hiding as the passing clouds covered the sun.

Get in!

Another one a male me thinks...sorted.
 Below looking NE from Irton Fell towards Wasdale with Great Gable peaking over the ridge on the right.

En route back in the car park met up with a guy who'd come all the way from Sussex to see his last Butterfly for the set (59 residents I think) and they say us twitchers are mad. Hope you scored Sussex Kipper.

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