Tuesday 30 August 2011


Just returned from an uneventful week of sea watching in Ireland. Based at our usual delightful cottage perched on the rocks above Kilbaha Bay just round the corner from world famous sea bird watch point of Bridges of Ross. The team of Gregsy and nephew Gregor, Knobski, Sooty and I took up our watch positions at the crack of dawn each day waiting patiently for Mr Fea's to fly by. Alas he didn't bother to show (yet again) as the weather required to bring him our way never really materialised until the end of the week and then still nothing.

The assembled array of diligent sea watchers scanning the sea for Mr Fea's, nearly as bad as Eddie Stobbart spotters.

Looking east at 6.30am (Insomniac time!!) the sun rises over Kilkee, Dan the Man and Powell junior already bored as the wind is from the south east and the sea a mill pond. Beauty sleep lost eh! chaps?.

One of the natural arches (bridges) from where the place gets its name.
As the going got tough some went fishing and caught the evenings supper. One of four humongous Pollock later to be barbecued (once marinated in lime, garlic and salt) in the pouring rain...oh joy. The triumphant captain Birdseye shows off his catch...

As we got even more bored with the non existant sea birds of a rare nature I turned the camera out of the bedroom window and zapped the local Irish race of Common Wheatear.

What a beauty.

Up on the nearby hillside I dipped on photographing the local Choughs but found a butterfly sheltering from the wind...one Common Blue (Irish form)

The cottage with a view to die for (not that its visible at 5am in the bloody morning) early birders get the early bird my Arsene Wenger (who's crying in the rain again, how many was it Arse...8)

nice what...

more to follow once I've posted the vids on utube


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