Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Having been on a certain site in Lancs for over a year now I at last managed to capture (on film, well SD card actually) one of the local inhabitants. What a cracking mammal much better than its fluffy counterpart the rabbit or is that Buzzard lunch...

As the job ends and the sun goes down...

Up pops the Moon and Venus (bit to early for Jupiter)

On the local Patch not much is doing really. I've managed to add a few Spring migrants with LRP and Blackcap plus a nice grip back Yellowhammer since the Little Gull that predictably stayed around for three days or more to be whapped by the masses. Looks like the 'geese' have done one as well so alls we're left with is this ugly brute...

Tundra or Taiga or neither ?

ta ra for now readers.


Jason said...

Sorry to be pedantic but your sky gazing photo is the Moon and Venus. Jupiter is not as bright now and actually below Venus. Good photo though.

Mr Payne said...

Stringing planets, what next i wonder ?